Contact us:
Phone 908-359-5173
Fax 908-359-723

Organic and Natural Options

Coop Poop!™:  A high quality OMRI listed organic fertilizer.  It is derived from 100% chicken manure from layer hens.  It has no additives or special fillers.  Coop Poop has the highest Nitrogen (5%) and Calcium (9%) of any available product in its class.
    Product Specs

Espoma products:
Bone Meal
    Cottonseed meal
    Dried blood
    Garden Sulfur
arden Manure
    Garden Iron
    Kelp Meal
    Lawn Food
    Rock Phosphate
    Super Phosphate and more…..
Please give us a ring for sizes, availability and pricing as these fluctuate throughout the season.

Feed Products:
    Alfalfa Meal 50 lb.
    Alfalfa Pellets 50 lb.
    Corn Gluten Meal
30 lb.
    Dried molasses 50 lb.
    Oyster Shell 5 lb. or 50 lb.

    Medium Cracked Corn

    Soybean Meal 50 lb.
Please give us a ring for pricing and availability as these fluctuate throughout the season.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook tips, new arrivals, pictures and other goodies.